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Maple Ridge Primary School

Working together to secure the most relevant education for all and believing anything is possible

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Attention Autism

Attention Autism is a programme designed to develop attention levels of children through offering an irresistible invitation to join in, learn and share the fun and laughter in a group.

Attention Autism can also be known as ‘Bucket time’ as this is the first of the four stages in the programme. Stage 2 is the ‘attention builder’, stage 3 the ‘attention shifter’ and stage 4 the ‘attention transition’. The programme was created by Gina Davies – for more information follow this link:


At Maple Ridge we use the Attention Autism programme to teach across all aspects of the curriculum - Literacy, Numeracy, Topic, Personal and Social Development and P.E – and develop the children’s learning skills, enabling them to learn how to learn.


Rachael Tomlin (Assistant Headteacher - EYFS/KS1) is an Advanced Practitioner. If you would like more information please contact:
