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Maple Ridge Primary School

Working together to secure the most relevant education for all and believing anything is possible

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Home Learning

Home Learning (Homework)


We are really enthusiastic about supporting our families at home and recognise how crucial the support you provide for your child at home is for their ongoing learning journey.


GEPs (Group Education Plan) and IEPs (Individual Education Plan)

Each half term you will receive a copy of your child’s GEP for Maths and English which outlines the targets they will be working towards that half term. You can use these targets to help support your child’s learning at home. A copy of your child’s IEP will come home three times a year, usually at the Oct, Feb and May half terms (though this may be slightly different depending on when your child’s annual review meeting will take place). These outline the short term targets your child will be working on to meet the annual target in place on your child’s EHCP (Education Health Care Plan). These will be discussed and reviewed at your child’s annual review meeting.


Reading at home

Every child brings home a reading diary and two books, which are changed weekly. One of these books is selected by staff and is at the appropriate level for your child’s reading ability, they should be able to read this book to you, it’s great to read this book at least three times during the week. The other book is a book your child has chosen in the school library and is intend for you to enjoy together, your child may not be able to read this book independently. Please write in the reading diary to share what you have been reading, you can record any books you have been reading at home here, not just the two books sent home. Your child’s reading diary has targets linked to the stage of reading development they are at, you can use these to help you develop your child’s reading skills.


Other Home Learning Opportunities

Each week the class send out a newsletter which outlines some of the learning that has taken place during the week and will make some suggestions for activities you can choose from to complete at home to support your child’s learning. We also send out a topic-based home learning suggestion sheet at the beginning of each half term.



The Department for Education (DfE) is supporting catch-up programmes and fun activities for all children and young people in England. Click this link to find out more,





This page provides information about Home Learning activities you can access to support learning at home throughout the year as well as updated information about remote learning.


The Temporary Continuity Direction, published on 1st October 2020 states that all schools have a legal duty to provide remote education to children unable to attend school due to coronavirus.


Our key aims in providing remote education are to:

• Ensure learning is quality and aligned as closely as possible with in-school provision

• Ensure consistency in our approach to remote learning

• Share expectations for all members of our school community with regards to remote learning.


Please see the document ‘providing remote education information for parents’, which explains what we will provide if your child in learning at home as a result of isolation or local/national restrictions. The main platform for remote learning is Google Classroom, please contact the school office, who can put you in touch with the right person, if you need support with access. Below are some links you can use to support learning at home and areas where children can do some independent learning tasks.


Oak National Academy

Daily lessons

BBC Bitesize

Daily lessons

Activities for 

home learning

Maths activities set

Online safety 

Kids & home support

Literacy activities

& home support

Google Classroom

Activities set for all

areas of learning


