Transition Information for Parents
This page has been set up to provide some transition information to parents of children who have had a place confirmed by SEN for their child to start at Maple Ridge. We have created this information page for new parents, and will update this with more information once we have it.
A confirmed place means that you have had a formal offer letter from Hampshire County Council and you have returned this offer letter to confirm your acceptance of the place. Hampshire County Council have then informed Maple Ridge School of your acceptance of the place and sent the school the final EHCP paperwork.
What usually happens once a place has been confirmed?
Closer to the time your child is due to start Maple Ridge, a member of staff will be in contact with both parents and your child’s current school/pre-school setting to discuss all the information we might need about your child and answer any questions you may have.
The majority of children starting Maple Ridge School will start at the beginning of the academic year (September). Usually, towards the end of June or beginning of July, a parent information meeting is held, which the parents of all children with a confirmed place receive an invitation for. We will try and provide you with any paperwork you need to fill out and information before this meeting, so that you have time to read it and can then ask questions.
All transition support can be adapted to meet your child’s need, we pride ourselves on supporting children and families and aim to make this as smooth a process as possible for everyone.
Transition for children who have already been to school
For children who have already been to school (usually those starting Maple Ridge in year 1 or above), a visit may be arranged to see your child in their current school. Sometimes pupils will be invited for some Stay and Play sessions, which is an opportunity for your child to come into school and play in our community room, meeting some other new children and some of the staff. Following this, you will be provided with information about start dates and times. Most children, who have already been to school, start full time.
Transition for children who have not yet started school (usually Year R pupils)
In September your child will most likely have a part-time start. In the first week of term they will come into school for one 2-hour slot, and have a 1:1 session with the class teacher. On the second week your child will attend school for 2 hours per day in the morning or the afternoon. From the third week your child will attend school full-time.
What if my child is transitioning mid-year?
For children transitioning into Maple Ridge part way through the school year, an individual transition programme will be agreed with parents.
When will we tell you what class your child is in and who the teacher will be?
We do not usually tell any pupils or parents what classes children are in until the last week of the school term. Due to a number of factors, including the intake of new children, we are often still finalising classes in June and early July and will only let people know what class groups will be once we are certain they are finalised to avoid any confusion or unnecessary changes.