Home/School Support Links
Home/School Support
At Maple Ridge school we view parents/carers as partners and believe that you know your child best. We have an 'open door’ policy throughout the school and encourage parents to communicate with us as they would like to. We hope that parents/carers are made to feel welcome in our school at all times.
As a high percentage of our children come to school using Home to School Passenger Transport, we use home/school communication books for parents and teachers to write to each other on a regular basis.
Classes provide weekly newsletters, and there are half termly whole school newsletters, so that parents are kept up to date with the goings on in school. Parents will also be invited to 2 parents evenings a year, as well as their child's annual review of their EHCP and will receive termly sharing of targets and planning.
Families are invited to come to our school productions, sports day, summer fairs and when your child reaches year 6, you will be invited to a special leavers assembly.
Please click on links below to see what else we offer to our Maple Ridge families.