Home/School Service
We have a very successful Home/School Service offering different levels of support to families.
SHIP (School Home Integrated Partnership) is part of the school’s Home/ School Service. The aim is to support parents/carers and families of youngsters who have learning difficulties and behaviours that can be hard to manage and affect family life. This may include difficulties such as toileting, eating or sleep issues or challenging behaviour within the family. A home/school worker will get to know a child in both school and home and any other setting to share strategies and provide resources to enable a consistent approach. They will also liaise with other professionals such as social care, CAMHS, health professionals and any other agencies that may be involved with a child.
The Home/School Team hold Family Information Evenings each term on topics that are of interest to parents and families. Maple Ridge will also signpost parents/carers to other organisations or services that provide additional support. We have a good working relationship with the local HPCN representative who holds regular meetings at our school and is a valuable source of information relating to services for children with special educational needs and disabilities including Short Breaks.
Our Home/School Coordinator is Mrs J Eales.