Week beginning 13/07/2020
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Monday 13/07/2020
- Chicken Licken colouring sheet.jpg
- Chicken Licken headband.jpg
- Sounds cards print two sets.pdf
- BLUE and GREEN find the sound.pdf
- RED and BLUE writing practice.pdf
- RED numbers to 10.pdf
- RED and BLUE Rhyming _Phonics5-7.pdf
- GREEN_Matching Sounds_Hires.pdf
- BLUE and GREEN_worksheets_Which Spelling_Hires.pdf
- BLUE_Rhyming Games_Hires.pdf
- BLUE spelling basic.pdf
- RED Alphabet sounds.pdf
- Good Samaritan.pdf
- the-good-samaritan.pdf